Forward head posture or forward head carriage is the #1 postural misalignment people suffer with today.
Head retractions are the best exercise to help correct this. Start by sitting or standing up straight. Pretend your head is on a track that runs along both sides of your neck. You are simply going to slide your head back on that track.
Remember your head has shifted forward; we want to shift it back. Retract (“slide”) your head backwards hold for 10 seconds and relax. Retract (“Slide”) your head backwards hold for 10 seconds and relax. DO NOT Tilt your head up or down, keep it level. You can use your index finger on your chin to help guide your head straight back.
If you stand up against a wall, or another example would be sitting in your car. Bring your head back so it takes the wall or the seat headrest to hold relax and repeat.
For more pictures and help with this exercise visit
This exercise can be done anywhere, whether your at home, in the gym, or even in the car at the red light.
To make the quickest correction of your forward head not only use this exercise but use a good neck pillow at night, be aware of your posture, and get adjusted by your chiropractor.
Visit for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units. Products for pain relief.
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