Dealing with neck pain every single day is not fun. Today’s post talks about some simple tips to living neck pain FREE! Doing relaxation techniques a few times a week can be very good for the entire body- yoga, breathing exercises, meditation will help to relax muscles and reduce tension.
When you exercise, stretch your neck muscles before and after the session. If your neck is sore after exercise, use ice for 10-15 minutes. Simple neck exercises include flexing your head forward and backward. Bringing your right ear to the right shoulder, and turning your head from side to side. All to the point of feeling a stretch, not to the point of pain. Neck exercises should not be painful, and when done correctly will increase mobility, increase range of motion and decrease pain and the chances of injury.
When you sleep at night, use a good cervical neck pillow that will keep your head and neck aligned correctly while sleeping. For example, the cervical traction neck pillow accomplished this because of the special v in the middle of the pillow. This pillow also gives you a gentle traction in the neck while sleeping.
Watch your posture throughout the day. In today’s technological age where computers play such a vital role, we have to be extra careful about taking breaks and setting up our workstation in the most ergonomic, pain free way that we can. Read more about Neck Posture here. Simply using a headset when you work at your desk can be life changing.
Living your life pain free sometimes takes a little extra time to set things up properly. Your neck will thank you for it later!
Additional Reading and Resources: Neck Exercises- Diagrams and how-to for proper stretching of the neck Best Neck Pillow for Sleep- Cervical traction neck pillow faq’s Neck Posture- Setting up a proper workstation with a neck pain free zone Visit for your online selection of cervical support neck pillows, orthopedic pain relief products and Home traction units
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