When you get into a car accident, there are so many aspects you have to deal with: You might be having neck pain or other symptoms, your car is wrecked, you cannot work, you have to deal with the insurance company- just a bad situation all around.
If you do not seek treatment right away for whiplash type symptoms it can get worse and last longer than you want it too. Whiplash occurs when there is a sudden flexion and extension of the neck in a rapid motion, in a small amount of time. It can cause many symptoms such as:
- neck pain,
- headaches
- muscle spasm
- decrease range of motion in the neck
- soreness and stiffness in the neck
- sensitivity to cold or heat
The most common way of getting whiplash is a rear end car collision.
It is important to get checked by a health professional. Your Doctor may prescribe muscle relaxers or other pain medications. This is only going to be a temporary fix- so you need to do more about this. A proper history, consultation, examination and x-rays if necessary. It is most important to document what happened in this car accident and to also have a comprehensive treatment plan that will get you better.
You can also see a chiropractor, as most of them specialize in this. They will do a thorough consultation, examination and prescribe x-rays if necessary. You may need to be referred out for cervical x-rays .
Treatment for whiplash may include ice therapy, electric stimulation, exercises, mobilization, adjustments, neck traction- all depending on what you have going on. All these things will work to get you pain relief in the neck and upper back.
Sometimes, when the insurance companies are not co-operating you may need to get a special type of attorney involved. It is at this time, that the details of your accident become so important, including how and by whom you got treated. Most importantly, the mechanics of the actual motor vehicle accident are also very important. For Example:
- What did you feel at the time of the accident?
- Were you wearing your seatbelt?
- Where was your head facing when the accident took place?
- Did you lose consciousness?
- Were you prescribed any medications at the hospital?
- How does this pain affect your activities of daily living?
- Are you able to work during the day?
A Simple bop of the head during a seemingly little car accident can cause more than just neck pain. The small details in the car accident and the treatment that you seek matter a great deal for your future.
Additional Reading Resources
- Remedy for a Stiff Neck
- Part I-IV: Whiplash Series
- Part I-III: Severe Neck Pain Resulting from a Herniated Disc- What is a cervical Radiculopathy, What are the symptoms associated with a cervical radiculopathy, What are treatment options for patients who suffer from a severe neck pain.
- Cervical Neck Collars Are Not the Best Treatment for Whiplash, according to Study
- Part I-IV: Whiplash Series
Visit Arc4life.com for your online selection of the Natural Pain Relief Prodcuts for the Neck and Lower Back.
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