Today's Neck Pain Support Post comes from Dr. Bellinger's DownLoadable E-Book called the Neck Pain Relief Kit.
Head Retraction Exercises-
Head retractions are very significant because most of us start to develop forward head carriage over time. This is the exercise to combat the dreaded forward head posture and get rid of the neck pain you may have from a misaligned neck. To perform these exercises, imagine if your head is on a track. You simply want to slide your head back. Essentially the head is forward and we went to move it backwards. Gently shift your head and neck back, hold for approximately 10 seconds, then relax and repeat again. Do this exercise for 10-20 repetitions.
The 1st day you do them, I would suggest doing no more then 5 or 10 repetitions. Gradually work up to 10-20 repetitions. The reason I suggest gradually increasing the number of reps is so you are not too sore.
Additional Resources
- I have extreme Neck Pain. Please Help Me
- Why Posture is The Window to Your Health
- Why is the C Curve So Important in Your Neck?
- True Neck Traction with the Pronex Pneumatic Traction System
- The Neck Pain Relief Kit
- Can Forward Head Posture Cause Pain?
Download the Neck Pain Relief Kit for more information about Neck Pain Relief.