Often times carpal tunnel is mistakenly diagnosed and the hidden cause of hand or wrist pain may be your neck.
Yes, that’s right, your neck may be causing your hand or wrist pain. Nerves in the lower neck innervate the arm and hand. Basically nerves in the lower neck come together to form the Brachial Plexus and nerves from the Brachial Plexus communicate to different regions of the hands and arms.
Do you ever notice your hand falls asleep after sleeping with your neck or arm in a funny position? Of course, because of the nerve pathway I described. Remember, nerves communicate to blood vessels and muscles as well.
So if this happens to you often or you think you might have carpal tunnel, have your neck spine checked as well. Too often we hear wrist pain and automatically think CTS and sometimes so does your doctor.
And if you’re not sure and just want to do some things at home to try to correct the problem, use a contoured pillow for correcting and supporting neck alignment as well as working on your wrists! Strengthening exercises using a putty or playdough can be beneficial for building up strength in the wrists, forearms, and hands.
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Yes, that’s right, your neck may be causing your hand or wrist pain. Nerves in the lower neck innervate the arm and hand. Basically nerves in the lower neck come together to form the Brachial Plexus and nerves from the Brachial Plexus communicate to different regions of the hands and arms.
Do you ever notice your hand falls asleep after sleeping with your neck or arm in a funny position? Of course, because of the nerve pathway I described. Remember, nerves communicate to blood vessels and muscles as well.
So if this happens to you often or you think you might have carpal tunnel, have your neck spine checked as well. Too often we hear wrist pain and automatically think CTS and sometimes so does your doctor.
And if you’re not sure and just want to do some things at home to try to correct the problem, use a contoured pillow for correcting and supporting neck alignment as well as working on your wrists! Strengthening exercises using a putty or playdough can be beneficial for building up strength in the wrists, forearms, and hands.
Additional Resources:
- Neck Pain resulting from a C5, C6, C7, or C8 Radiculopathy
- Making Your Station Pain Free
- Stop Arthritis Neck Pain Dead In its Tracks
- A Downloadable Ebook about neck pain relief through exercises, advice and useful information
- Severe Neck Pain with Numbess and Tingling-- all from a Herniated Disc?
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