If you really think about it, or if you’ve experienced a severe health issue, you’ve probably realized everything else falls a distant second. Why do I say this; think about your family, kids, things you like to do, food you like to eat, places you like to travel to. With severe back or neck pain you may not be able to travel or play in the yard with the kids, maybe even enjoy one full, restful night’s sleep.
I’ve met too many individuals at this point whose lives are on hold because they deal with their health issue 24 hours a day. Neck or back pain is just one health problem, but it’s the one that I see mostly in my office.
Pain wears you down physically, but then it takes its toll mentally too.
Treat your body and spine the best that you can, because you only have one. Put good nutrients in your body, exercise, get proper rest, and maintain your spine. - NJ