Chronic Neck pain is pain that an individual deals with for long term. It has been shown in the past that it is associated with a decrease in neck muscle strength. How does chronic neck pain affect ones health life?
While neck strength training has been shown to be effective in improving neck muscle strength and reducing neck pain, “health-related quality of life” or “HRQoL” among patients with neck pain has been reported as an outcome in only two short-term exercise intervention studies.
Thus, reports on the influence of a long-term neck strength training intervention on HRQoL among patients with chronic neck pain have been not been completed. This study reports the effect of one-year neck strength training on HRQoL in females with chronic neck pain.
In this study, 180 female office workers, ages 25 to 53 with chronic neck pain were put into two groups:
Health-related quality of life was assessed using the generic 15D questionnaire at baseline and after 12 months.
The study found that training led to statistically significant improvement in the 15D total scores for both training groups (groups 1 and 2), whereas no changes occurred for the control . The STG improved significantly in five of 15 dimensions, while the ETG improved significantly in two dimensions.
Conclusions: One year of either strength or endurance training seemed to moderately enhance the Health related quality of life. Neck and upper body training can be recommended to improve health related quality of life of females with neck pain if they are motivated for long-term regular exercise.
Source: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2010, 8:48 by Petri SaloArja HakkinenHannu KautiainenJari Ylinen
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While neck strength training has been shown to be effective in improving neck muscle strength and reducing neck pain, “health-related quality of life” or “HRQoL” among patients with neck pain has been reported as an outcome in only two short-term exercise intervention studies.
Thus, reports on the influence of a long-term neck strength training intervention on HRQoL among patients with chronic neck pain have been not been completed. This study reports the effect of one-year neck strength training on HRQoL in females with chronic neck pain.
In this study, 180 female office workers, ages 25 to 53 with chronic neck pain were put into two groups:
- Group 1: a strength training group (STG) - this group performed high-intensity isometric neck strengthening exercises with an elastic band
- Group 2: endurance training group (ETG)- performed lighter dynamic neck muscle training
- Group 3: control group (CG)- received a single session of guidance on stretching exercises
Health-related quality of life was assessed using the generic 15D questionnaire at baseline and after 12 months.
The study found that training led to statistically significant improvement in the 15D total scores for both training groups (groups 1 and 2), whereas no changes occurred for the control . The STG improved significantly in five of 15 dimensions, while the ETG improved significantly in two dimensions.
Conclusions: One year of either strength or endurance training seemed to moderately enhance the Health related quality of life. Neck and upper body training can be recommended to improve health related quality of life of females with neck pain if they are motivated for long-term regular exercise.
Source: Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2010, 8:48 by Petri SaloArja HakkinenHannu KautiainenJari Ylinen
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