Herbs have been used for healing purposes for a long time. They can help with many symptoms of common ailments because they contain health promoting compounds such as anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatories. From constipation to the common cold, it is worth it to give herbs a try. If you are on medications such as blood thinners or have a serious medical condition, check with our Doctor first.
Effective for indigestion. A cup of warm peppermint tea also thins mucus, loosens phlegm, and soothes sore throats. Also peppermint also helps muscle cramps, arthritis and headaches
This herb has been found to relieve tension, anxiety and restlessness by the German Ministry of Health. In another study published in Neuropsychopharmacology, particpants reported increased memory and improved mood after ingesting lemon balm. This was also found in ALzheimers patients
Sleep better with valerian. A German study found that 16 partipating insomniacs were able to go to sleep faster, and also improved their quality of sleep.Valerian root is also used in Arc4life's Formula 303 Natural Muscle Relaxer
Sage- A swiss study showed that Sage combined with echinacea was as effective as the pain killer lidocane in relieving sore throat pain. Studies have also shown that Sage is a potent mouthwash. To make Sage Mouthwash, steep 1 tablespoon sage leaves in 1 cup of hot water for 5 minutes. Strain and Gargle like you normally would.
With all of the herbs discussed above, you can drink the herb as a tea or use it topically in some cases. To make the tea version, pour 1 cup of boiling water over 6 leaves (for Valerian use 2 tablespoons chopped). Steep for 5 minutes, strain and sip.
Oh and I almost forgot, Jim Duke's healthy herbal drink that "lifts his spirits and lowers his anxiety". It also boosts relaxation, mood, memory and overall brain health. Its called Creme D'Mentia. Mix 1/2 pint of 80-proof vodka with 1/2 pint of water. Add 1/4 fresh lemon, 4 tablespoons rosemary leaves, 6 tablespoons lemon balm leaves, 4 tablespoons of peppermint leaves, and 2 tablespoons of sage leaves. Add sugar to taste. Steep for 3 days.
Source: AARP Magazine, July/August 2010; 25
Additional Reading Resources
- ChiroKlenz, Natural Dexotifying Herbal Tea
- Natural Relief For Muscle Spasm, Tension and Stress for your neck and low back muscles with Formula 303
- Nutrition and Natural Topical Creams
- Natural Pain Relief For the Neck that Does not include Surgery