The muscles in the back of the neck have to work all day to hold the head up. Individuals with forward head posture tend to have more tightness of the posterior neck muscles. Everyday, gravity is pushing down on us and if that head or neck’s center of gravity is shifted slightly forward, then there will be an imbalance. Gravity pushes down and the neck spine isn’t able to support the head as easily.
This will often happen as the work day goes on … Let’s say you work on the computer. Over the time you spend constantly working, the head drifts slightly forward. Let’s say you are in manufacturing and you are constantly working with your head down; it becomes difficult for the neck muscles. As they fatigue during the day you may start to notice neck muscle pain.
The best thing to do is switch up your routine. If you find yourself working on the computer for hours, make sure to get up and move around periodically for example. Also, make sure to keep hydrated. Muscles fatigue easier when dehydrated. Lastly, improving neck posture plays a big role. Those of us with loss of lordosis in the neck need to correct it for maximum function of the neck muscles.
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