Neck Pain can be a mysterious thing-- along with it can come a mydriad of other symptoms that can leave you baffled, wondering what you actually have going on.
- You are having neck pain with movement of your neck in a particular direction. This could mean you strained a muscle. When you move with a particular motion that that muscle does, or in a way that pulls on the muscle, you may experience pain.
- You have general pains in the neck and lots of “cracking and popping” sounds. This could mean you have a malposition of one or more vertebrae, sometimes called a subluxation of the spine.
- You have numbness and tingling in the arms or hands. If you are experiencing this your symptom may be due to a pinched nerve.
- You are experiencing severe pain, loss of motion, and radiating pain often increased with “bearing down” (straining, sneezing, or activities that increase internal spinal pressure) you could be suffering from a disc injury.
Keep in mind that you can suffer a combination of any of the above and in fact, often times these conditions run hand-in-hand with one another.
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