Here is a great acupuncture point for neck pain: UB12 or Bladder 12, along the bladder meridian also know as Fengmen.
In Acupuncture there are 12 meridian pathways of the body. The Bladder Meridian is one of them. Pain is often caused by a stagnation within Meridian pathway. These pathways circulate "chi or energy" throughout your body. Using acupuncture on these points frees up the pathways. Fengmen or bladder 12 function is to strengthen immunity and clear mucous from the throat/sinuses.
Where is it located? UB 12 is located on the back an inch and a half from the spine, at the lower border of the second thoracic vertebra.
This acupuncture point, UB12 treats other conditions as well, namely:
An acupuncturist can needle this location for you along with other acupuncture points. You can also do this at home. Have someone use the thumb or index finger to press firmly and hold the pressure for 10 seconds.
Source:Bladder 12 treats urinary conditions and back, neck pain
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