You probably remember me saying once or twice how everything in the body works together; well, it’s more than just – your cervical spine connects to your thoracic spine, etc. If you treat your body poorly, it will treat you poorly. You know if you put junk in, you get junk out.
Let’s look at some things you should be eating and not eating to combat, not just neck pain but other conditions also:
- Decrease your sugar intake. Sugar is linked to so many poor health conditions I don’t even have time to go into it. Don’t forget most processed thing may break down into sugar!
- Drink more Water. Water not only helps to hydrate the discs between your spinal bones but also flush out body toxins and wastes.
- Eat more Green Vegetables. You really need to get all your vitamins and minerals. Your body actually makes vitamins but not minerals. Not to mention fiber and other healthy plant based components that are needed.
- Add Turmeric – a natural anti inflammatory and universal health food. It’s been used for centuries in Indian cooking. Many have just realized the valuable health benefits. One Tip: To enhance the body's ability to use turmeric curcumin (the main active ingredient) combine the turmeric with black pepper.
- Get rid of anything that says “diet”. These things will be loaded with other kinds of sugars, “fake sugars if you will”.
- This leads me to my next thing to eliminate. Diet or not, try eliminating soda from the diet. Soda contains something called phosphoric acid which actually leaches minerals out of bone... Important things like calcium and magnesium that keep our bones healthy and strong.
- Use a good sea salt rich in minerals. I actually use Himalayan salt. The fact is, you can’t necessarily get all the nutrients you need from just eating your veggies.
All that being said, keep your stress levels in check and exercise regularly. I only mention this too because you can eat great but you need to think of these other factors to get healthy as soon as possible.
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