Yes, your allergies can be causing your neck pain. I actually have some allergies, and so I can over speak from experience. In fact the allergy season of 2013 has been pretty bad in New England!
It can sometimes be so uncomfortable many things hurt. It can be the other way around too; neck problems causing allergies. Or it could be a downward spiral, each making things worse.
Here are a few direct causes of how the allergies cause or worsen neck pain:
- Sneezing and coughing- sometimes from big coughs or sneezes we basically ‘whiplash’ our necks. Maybe not as traumatic as that fender bender you were in a few years but I’ve seen people with some pretty big sneezes.
- Referred pain- this can go either way- sinus to neck, neck to sinus. This leads me into…
- Sleeping is difficult; getting in a restful position, finally get away from blowing your nose for a minute, just being able to relax.
- Everything is uncomfortable: it becomes difficult to concentrate at anything when all you can think about is your nose. You can’t use a hanky because there’s too much to blow out. And those times you don’t have any tissues left, arrr….
- You may have swollen glands. Having allergies runs you down. Your immune system is working on overdrive, you’re often physically worn out, not to mention, more susceptible to other colds. Along come swollen glands to make your neck even more sensitive.
So neck pain and allergies can often go hand and hand. That being said…work on fixing the neck and see if this helps your allergies.
Additional Reading:
- The Hunchback Posture - how to get rid of this hump on your back
- What Can I Do For My Constant Neck Pain?
- Can Drinking Affect My Sleep?
- Are You Straining Your Neck By Accident?
- The Back Store