Whiplash is more common than you think. Really any time we have an injury where the head rocks forward and back quickly can be called a whiplash. We often typically use this term when referring to that car collision type of injury.
You are at a stand still on the highway; you're completely stopped. The person behind you doesn't notice and they plow right into you. Luckily they weren't going very fast because it has been stop and go. No-the-less, even with the seat belt on and the headrest up your neck still gets jolted forward and back.
Bang, welcome to the world of neck pain! And this pain may not start right away. You may get up the next day and the pain hits you. Everyone is a little different.
But guess what, you don't have to get rear ended on the highway but you can fall. take a hit playing ball, hit your head on the fridge... All of these thing may cause a whiplash.
So what exactly happens when your head gets whipped forward and back? Neck strain or neck sprain or both? Is there a difference? And the end result of course - Neck PAIN, maybe numbness and tingling in the hands, maybe a headache, or something else?
Image Source: San Diego auto accident and Whiplash Injuries
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