Here are 10 things you can do to help relieve the muscle spasms in your neck. Muscle spasms can happen from a variety of things such as sitting at desk for long periods of time, studying, texting for too long in the flexed position, a violent sneeze, a fall, whiplash type of an accident, sleeping incorrectly, even sleeping on a brand new pillow.
What are solutions to relieve this type of neck pain that is coming from the muscles?
- Muscle Work to the neck with Biofreeze. You can do muscle work without a pain relief gel such as biofreeze, but biofreeze really facilitates the massage. Its easier and actually more effective. Muscle work helps to combat tender trigger points in the muscle that helps to get blood flow to the area. If this is an acute injury, use biofreeze, but if this is something chronic use a heating pain relief gel like sombra. Both work wonders to the muscles. One more point, massage for a good 2-5 minutes. If the area is red that means you are have worked the muscle well. Also, you don't need to use a lot of pressure, just what you are able to withstand. If someone can help you with this, even better.
- Use a heating pad or a cold pack on the neck and upper shoulders. Again, if this is an acute injury use ice, if this is chronic use a heating pad. For both cases, use a towel in between you and the therapy pack.
- Stretch your Neck- Simple neck stretches can do wonders for muscle spasm. Simple flexing your head forward and holding the stretch for a few minutes can feel really good and allow the muscle to elongate.
- Position your workstation so that you are not in an awkward position that can cause a neck ache to begin with. Recently my sister in law mentioned to me a workstation that she uses at her work, where you actually stand up and work. She has the ability to sit at her computer or to stand up and work. The choice of two positions gives her muscles a break from the usual routine.
- Get a massage- a massage therapist can focus on certain muscles that are tightened up and have trigger points. The key is tell your practitioner how much pressure you can take. No need to be a macho man/woman and endure pain during your sesssion. You will be in pain afterwards. Start with low pressure and keep working your way up to more pressure with each visit.
- Get your neck adjusted by a chiropractor- a chiropractor can perform a simple cervical adjustment that will keep your bones aligned. If they are out of positiong that can help you get proper posture. They can also show you postural exercises and neck stretches that you can do at home yourself.
- Use a supportive pillow at night time so that you are in a naturally aligned position for sleep. Use a contoured neck pillow. It makes a big difference to the anatomy of how you sleep at night. Here is an example of great neck pillow: The Linear Gravity Neck Pillow has two neck rolls, one firm, one softer. The neck roll keeps your neck in a position that is a natural c curve. With this particular fiber filled neck pillow you can sleep on your back and on your side.
- Do gentle neck traction - stretch out the ligaments, and muscles for pain relief. Neck traction is one those therapies that patients think is very scary because they picture an over the door neck traction unit that looks more like a torture device. Not the case. Check out passive traction units like the soothe a ciser and the posture right soft neck orthotic.
- Drink Water. Plain water. Make sure you are being hydrated enough throughout the day. A tried and true practice. One tip, keep your water accessible to you. Fill up a gallon of water and keep it near you. This will mean that you have to take regular trips to the bathroom. Actually a good thing. It will break up your work schedule, and give your neck and back a break from sitting or doing whatever work you do. I know this may not be feasible in all jobs but do your best. Its overall just a smart thing to drink water. Keep sugar drinks like soda and juice to a minimum.
- Try a natural muscle relaxer. One example of this is formula 303. It has valerian root in it which is a natural relaxant. It also has passion flower and magnesium.