Today I want to talk about eating properly so that you sleep well at night. Many people rely on prescription sleeping pills to help them sleep. This may be OK for the short-term but long-term it can cause many unpleasant side effects. For goodness sake's, you were trying to fix your sleeping problem but you added on a host of more health problems: headaches dizziness, difficulty swallowing, and diarrhea (just to name a few). This means probably more prescription medications - and so the cycle and reliance on medications begins.
So trying to do natural things to help you sleep is better in the long run on many fronts.
Adding supplements to your diet can make a big difference in how you sleep. Two big minerals that are important for sleep are calcium and magnesium. They both help the body to change tryptophan into serotonin into melatonin which helps the body sleep. Melatonin helps to regulate the sleep cycle. Lets quickly look at the important supplements that you can add to your diet to help you sleep at night, and help you improve the quality of your sleep.
The first one is Calcium. Calcium is a mineral that has a natural calming affect on the nervous system and helps the body to convert tryptophan which is an essential amino acid into serotonin. Seratonin can then be converted into melatonin which helps to regulate the sleep cycle. Second, is the mineral Magnesium. This is important because it helps the body to absorb and use calcium. This helps to relax the nervous system and also helps to relax muscles. If you suffer from leg cramps and muscle spasms you may have a deficiency in magnesium and this can be the cause of not sleeping well. Third, Vitamin B 12. This important vitamin works with calcium and magnesium to ensure that tryptophan is converted into serotonin which then makes melatonin. Finally, Vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin. This vitamin also works with calcium and magnesium. It helps to modulate the body's biological 24 hour clock as it relates to the sleep cycle.
You can add Melatonin, Valerian Root and Chamomile tea to your diet. Melatonin is a hormone that helps to regulate the natural circadian cycles of the body. Studies have shown that melatonin not only can help you fall sleep but also stay asleep and give you a better quality of sleep. Valerian Root is a herb that can help to provide natural way to help fall sleep. Valerian root is actually a sedative and has also been used for anti-anxiety treatment as well. Valerian can help you fall asleep faster and also improve the quality of your sleep. Finally, Chamomile tea right before be helps to provide a calming affect on the body and is used by many people to help them sleep.
Chamomile Tea can do Wonders for your Sleep
I talked many times about things that you can do to get naturally good sleep. For example keeping your room dark, using a supportive cervical pillow, not drinking caffeine right before bed, exercising during the day, chiropractic adjustments, and doing relaxing things before bedtime. All these things in addition to eating right will help you sleep better.
Source: Eat To Sleep: The Nutrition Guide, Oct 2017
Additional Reading:
- Why Depriving Your Body of Sleep is Bad for Your Overall Health
- Position Your Pillow Just Right to Get that Great Night of Sleep
- Drinking Before Bed and How it Affects Sleep
- What's the Best Sleeping Position?
- For Restorative Sleep, You do need to be sleeping on the right pillow
- Simple Exercise that Anyone Can Do EVERYDAY.... (no effort)
Updated: 09/20/2020